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How To Find The Right Talent In A Candidate Heavy Market

Recruitment 30th January 2023
How To Find The Right Talent In A Candidate Heavy Market

In a candidate heavy market, where there are more job seekers than jobs available, it can be difficult to find the right talent. With so many candidates to choose from, how can you be sure that you’re making the best hiring decisions? Here are five tips to help you find the right talent in a candidate heavy market:

  1. Automate where you can to free up time for passive candidate search
  2. Get creative with your job descriptions to attract the right kind of talent and deter the wrong skill sets
  3. Utilise social media platforms and networking events to target the right pools of talent
  4. Consider using employee referral programs to tap into hidden networks
  5. If you’re managing multiple roles, deal with the most critical first to keep stakeholders happy

Automate where you can to free up time for passive candidate search

Automating where possible is one of the most efficient strategies for freeing up valuable time that can be dedicated to building up your passive candidate search pool. With AI tools like Kleos (formerly Pocket Recruiter), TA professionals are able to reduce and simplify mundane tasks, such as CV search/screening and candidate rejections, so they can focus on the more meaningful tasks that will aid their passive searches. Reallocating this saved time into actively targeting passive candidates via social media networks or niche meet-up groups could largely increase the quality of talent you are presented with. Automation tools help by taking off some of the pressure HR and hiring departments, thus allowing them to spend more time building relationships with passive candidates. This “quality over quantity” approach will benefit companies in both the short and long term.

Get creative with your job descriptions to attract the right kind of talent and deter the wrong skill sets

The importance of getting creative with job descriptions cannot be overstated. It can help you avoid hiring applicants who don’t possess the right skill sets and attract the talent that would thrive in the role. Focus on the “non-negotiable” skills that every successful candidate must possess in order to be considered. You should create a candidate screening process for mandatory skills so that only those with the essential abilities may even apply for the job. It’s also important to talk about the specific opportunity well enough to excite the right candidate and ensure you are setting expectations for them before accepting any offer of employment. Taking these steps in crafting your job description is key to finding success in filling open positions quickly and accurately.

Utilise social media platforms and networking events to target the right pools of talent

Making sure that an organisation is targeting the right pool of talent is an important part of successful hiring. To achieve this, utilising social media platforms. such as LinkedIn and Twitter, along with attending relevant networking events, can be key. Specific meet-up groups within niche areas of technology should always be considered, as should engaging through channels that tech talent are naturally drawn to use, such as specific slack channels or trawling the places in demand tech candidates often like to hang out (such as GitHub). An effective and wide-reaching strategy to ensure that only suitable candidates are contacted is key.

Consider using employee referral programs to tap into hidden networks

Employee referral programs are an excellent way to tap into hidden networks and uncover great talent. Great people know great people, so why not utilise trusted connections your employees already have within the target industry for recommendations? While you can certainly find quality candidates through cold outreach or online job postings, tapping into these employee referrals is a great way to differentiate from the competition and welcome newbies to your organisation who already come recommended. Plus, it’s a much more personal process that inspires goodwill and helps foster strong relationships from the get-go.

If you’re managing multiple roles, deal with the most critical first to keep stakeholders happy

Time and budget are constrained more than ever in the current world of recruiting, and it’s nearly impossible to keep all stakeholders happy all of the time. This is why TA consultants must prioritise dealing with the biggest pain points for the most critical business needs first. If you’re feeling overwhelmed, think about outsourcing specialist areas that are simply too niche or too challenging for your internal team’s capacity. Embedded Talent Consultancy can be brought into a business as a short-term solution, acting as an extension of your in-house team and helping you to effectively manage multiple roles more efficiently, in a cost-efficient way.

In order to be successful when recruiting in today’s market, consider taking a proactive and targeted approach. By utilising the tips discussed in this blog post, you can create a process that will help your business successfully find and hire top talent. Automation, being creative with job descriptions, social media outreach, employee referral programs and effective time management are all key factors in successfully managing resourcing needs.

Is your business struggling to manage hiring needs in the current market? Speak to Elements Talent Consultancy about how we can help today.

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